Ah yes, the covid thing is almost over and done with so we can start traveling the world again. Haven’t we all looked forward to that? It’s the perfect time of year too, we can go visit someplace sunny and get those bathing suits out for their time to shine. Just, y’know, try not to make a fool of yourself. The internet never forgets.
Like these lovely ladies that got photobombed by a stingray. Suddenly that stringray looks like he’s the only living creature actually happy to be there, which just isn’t the kind of vacation vibe you’re looking for.

Then there’s also this young woman who figured the Olympics are a relevant thing right now so she’d give her attempt at some acrobatics. The Faceplant, as this move is called in the business, sadly never gets many points from the professional juries.

Stingrays are going to be the least of your worries when you’re walking around carrying food. Suddenly you’ll get ganged up on by a bunch of monkeys, and you know they’re relentless when it comes to taking your stuff. That’s never going to be a good situation.

The post Hilarious Summer Vacation Fails That Will Make You Laugh appeared first on Brain Berries.