Detangle your Hair
Before starting the braid, it is essential to detangle your hair with either a comb or brush. Begin by using a wide-tooth comb or brush to gently run through your hair, starting at the bottom and working your way up towards your scalp. This will help remove any knots or tangles that could affect the quality of your braid.
In case your hair is particularly thick or tangled, applying a leave-in conditioner or detangling spray can make the process much smoother and less painful.
While braiding, you can work with either damp or dry hair, but keep in mind that it will affect the final look of your braid. Braiding wet hair tends to produce a tighter braid, while dry hair creates a looser and more relaxed style.
Secure your hair with an elastic band to form a base for the braid
To create a foundation for the braid, use an elastic band to secure your hair in place. Although it’s not necessary to begin with a ponytail, it can be helpful when you’re first learning how to braid. Pull your hair back and tie it up into a ponytail at the spot where you want your braid to begin. However, if you’re already skilled in braiding, you can skip this step altogether.
Step by Step Guide
Braiding your hair can be a fun and creative way to style your hair. The 4-strand braid is a simple yet beautiful hairstyle that can be easily done with a bit of practice. In this blog post, we will discuss how to 4-strand braid for beginners.
Step 1: Divide your hair into 4 sections
Start by dividing your hair into 4 equal sections. You can use your fingers to do this, or you can use a comb to create more precise sections. Secure the sections with hair ties or clips to keep them separated.
Step 2: Cross the strands
Take the strand on the far left and cross it over the second strand from the left. The strand on the far left will now be the second strand from the left.
Step 3: Cross the strands again
Take the strand on the far right and cross it over the second strand from the right. The strand on the far right will now be the second strand from the right.
Step 4: Cross the strands in the middle
Take the strand on the far left and cross it over the second strand from the right. The strand on the far left will now be the second strand from the right. Then take the strand on the far right and cross it over the second strand from the left. The strand on the far right will now be the second strand from the left.
Step 5: Repeat the pattern
Continue this pattern, crossing the strands in the order of far left, far right, far left, far right, and so on. Keep braiding until you reach the end of your hair.

Step 6: Secure the braid
Once you have reached the end of your hair, secure the braid with a hair tie or clip.
Tips for 4-Strand Braiding
Practice makes perfect. The more you practice, the easier it will become. Make sure the sections are even. If the sections are uneven, the braid will look messy. Keep your hands close to your head. This will help you to control the braid and prevent it from unraveling. Use a mirror. It’s helpful to have a mirror in front of you so you can see what you’re doing.
The 4-strand braid is a great hairstyle for beginners. It’s simple to do and looks great on all hair types. With a bit of practice, you’ll be able to create beautiful braids in no time. Remember to be patient and have fun with it. Good luck!