Amidst global speculation and inquiries surrounding the fatal incident aboard the Titan submersible, which claimed the lives of all five occupants, a British individual had come forward to elucidate his reasons for withdrawing from the Titanic expedition at the last moment. Chris Brown, a renowned British explorer, had reportedly opted out of the voyage to the Titanic due to grave safety concerns. He had initially secured a spot aboard the OceanGate craft, which tragically vanished during a fateful expedition to explore the historic shipwreck.
The Titan submersible encountered a communication failure with tour operators, located approximately 435 miles south of St John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. Among the five passengers on board was billionaire Hamish Harding. However, upon obtaining detailed knowledge regarding the vessel’s technological capabilities and construction materials, Brown reconsidered his decision and chose to withdraw.
Chris Brown shared a close friendship with Hamish Harding
Brown, a dear friend of Hamish Harding, was tragically one of the five passengers who lost their lives in the unfortunate Titanic incident. Their friendship was forged during their joint expedition to the South Pole, where they embarked on numerous global voyages together. In an interview with Good Morning America, Brown revealed that his initial attraction to the Titanic expedition stemmed from its historical and scientific significance.
As a modern-day adventurer, constantly seeking to push the boundaries of human exploration and expand our understanding of uncharted territories, Brown expressed his fascination with the iconic wreckage. He saw the expedition as a unique opportunity to engage in both exploration and scientific endeavors, blending the excitement of an expedition with the pursuit of knowledge.
What prompted Chris Brown to alter his decision?
According to The Sun’s report, Chris Brown initially showed great enthusiasm for the expedition, even going as far as paying the required deposit. However, his excitement was overshadowed by growing concerns when he observed what he believed to be significant shortcuts taken by OceanGate, the organization facilitating the trip.
Brown’s apprehensions centered around the technology and materials employed in constructing the submersible, leading him to question its safety. He firmly believed that a commercial submersible of such magnitude should not compromise on the quality of its components. The report highlighted his shock at discovering the use of “old scaffolding poles” for ballast purposes and the reliance on computer game-style controllers for its controls.
Driven by these reservations, Brown swiftly emailed the company, requesting a refund of the $10,000 deposit he had initially paid. Interestingly, when faced with the realization that he narrowly avoided a potentially catastrophic accident, Brown expressed empathy rather than relief, acknowledging the preventable nature of the mishap.
In 2020, OceanGate’s CEO acknowledged to GeekWise that the submersible’s hull exhibited signs of “fatigue,” echoing concerns previously raised by a former employee in a lawsuit. The company continued to conduct tests on the craft, including a 4,000-meter deep dive in the Bahamas. Consequently, TechCrunch reported that the Titanic submarine’s hull depth rating was temporarily downgraded to 3,000 meters, a thousand meters shallower than the Titanic’s depth.
Furthermore, in a CBS News report from last year, during a visit to the Titanic program, a communication issue between the submersible and the overseeing ship resulted in the submersible being lost underwater for nearly three hours.