On Wednesday night, Russia initiated a new series of assaults on locations in southern and eastern Ukraine, causing injuries to a minimum of 10 individuals, as indicated by local authorities.
The Ukrainian Air Force (UAF) revealed that Russia deployed 14 Shahed drones for the assault on the southern Ukrainian areas of Odesa and Mykolaiv. Ukrainian air defenses successfully intercepted and downed 11 of these drones.
Governor Oleh Kiper of the Odesa region reported on his Telegram channel, “Russian terrorists launched two separate attacks on Odesa using assault drones. An industrial facility was impacted, resulting in damage to residential structures and civil infrastructure.”
Kiper conveyed that one drone struck a recently constructed residential building in the city, leading to one individual being hospitalized due to burns from the ensuing fire. Additionally, he highlighted incidents involving explosions, where four people sustained injuries when two drones collided with a residential area.
Also Read: Ukraine’s Bold Move: Drone Attack on Russian Oil Terminal Signals New Phase
The UAF also disclosed that Russia fired four S-300 surface-to-air missiles at Ukraine’s eastern Kharkiv region on Wednesday night. According to Kharkiv Governor Oleh Synyehubov, four individuals suffered injuries in the region due to these attacks.
In response to the escalating violence, Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov declared Thursday a day of mourning in the city, commemorating the 10 lives lost in a separate Russian missile attack on Wednesday.